A downloadable game for Windows

Game Overview

Inspired by the popular game "Travel Frog," but with a cutting-edge twist! Players will embark on exciting adventures with their adorable virtual [cat] companions [starting with one pet]. Users cannot control when the pet chooses to go on its adventures. Our AI-powered recommendation algorithm will generate exciting travel destinations and activities based on the player's preferences and in-game progress, enhancing the gameplay experience and inspiring players to explore new content within the game.


When the player prepares for each trip, every item combination is input. In the beginning, 3 categories are available, and Gavin is working on them. [(TBC) Food, Tools, Emotions/Charms….]


  • Hidden/implicit output: 2 major pieces of information include locations and activities.
  • Explicit/overt output: Based on the major information from hidden input, AI will use it as a prompt to generate customized and non-repetitive messages on postcards. With pre-generated art pieces/backgrounds of travelling attractions/destinations, all the hidden and overt output/information will be shown on a postcard. 

Processing from input to output:

1. The diverse combination of input items (preparation) determines the output of 2 pieces of info - Location and activity [Where traditional coding applies to control desirable outcomes]

2. The output pieces work together as AI prompts, resulting in generating postcard messages. (Where cutting-edge AI applies)


Discord:  https://discord.gg/TNTCD9AX

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chibiclash


NyanNyan.zip 40 MB

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